
Press Release
For Immediate Release* November 12, 2004
Uninvited Band Performs at the Country Music Awards!
The Jason Eaves Band performed unannounced, uninvited, and illegally Tuesday night November 9th, 2004 at the 38th
annual Country Music Awards at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. The Iowa based (radio rock) trio crammed into a rusted out
Chevy S-10 pickup and drove nearly 600 miles to play for approximately 4 and ½ minutes at the major music event, before getting
surrounded by Nashville police and Opryland security and forced to quit.
This past Monday evening (November 8th) lead man Jason Eaves picked up the phone and called his partners in crime Jeff
Jones and Kenny Foster and asked them if they were interested in going on a road trip to Nashville and performing at the CMAs.
There response was Lets do it! By 4:00 a.m. Tuesday the 9th the group had loaded everything including themselves into Eaves
1987 Chevy S-10 pickup truck on were on their way.
Rolling into Nashville around 2:00 p.m. Jason, Kenny and Jeff headed for the Opry House. The band used a near by parking
lot to set up their equipment in the back of the pickup truck, securing it with duct tape and rope so it would stay in place
on their drive next door.
At approximately 6:10 p.m. Eaves drove up to the main entrance of the award ceremony with the power generator running
while band mates Kenny and Jeff were in the back of the truck ready to go. Eaves then jumped out and began the uninvited concert.
The daring bunch performed nearly 4 and ½ minutes before being surrounded by 3 different metro police officers on horses and
2 different security officers in cars, and forced to quit. Amazingly enough no official charges were filed.
This is the second major music event The Jason Eaves Band has interrupted counting last months appearance at the American
Idol try outs in San Francisco, CA, where the guys dressed up like Fox employees to sneak into the restricted area and rock
out to over 15,000 screaming auditioners.
The Jason Eaves Band has chalked up yet another one to add to their growing list of endeavors which include holding the
world record for the WORLDS FASTEST ROCK & ROLL TOUR, owning and operating their own pirate radio station, and publicly
making fun of rapper Eminem.
Eaves Band is hoping to stir up interest from some record labels, but in the mean time "We are having a blast!"
says Eaves, and "trust me, you will be hearing more of us!" You can check the group out at www.jasoneavesband.com.
For more info contact:
Barry at D.A.M. Publicity
Jason Eaves

