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Press Release For immediate release* October
11, 2004
[Nashville] What started off as singer/songwriter Jason Eaves
kidding around with band mates Kenny Foster and Jeff Jones at their Fort Madison, IA band rehearsal, turned into shocking
reality a few days ago when Eaves and newly formed rock band "The Jason Eaves Band," jumped into their van and drove nearly
2000 miles to crash the San Francisco, CA auditions of Fox's hit reality TV show "American Idol." On Tuesday October 5, 2004
at approximately 9:00 a.m. The Jason Eaves Band did just that.
Eaves band arrived at the Cow Palace in San Francisco
around 6:00 a.m. on Monday October 5th. Because of the huge turnout, the group was forced to park their van several blocks
away. They spent a large portion of the morning trying to figure out how they were going to get themselves and their equipment
close enough to the main entrance of Cow Palace to actually set up and play for the thousands of people that were waiting
to audition.
At the first window of opportunity Eaves and band darted through a weak link in security and actually
made it on foot into the press area. Drummer Kenny Foster made the next move by approaching a female Fox employee. After some
"sweet talking" Foster had convinced her into stealing two Fox affiliate T-shirts for the group.
The next move was
to get the equipment van into the press area. "It couldn't have went smoother" said Eaves, after bass player Jeff Jones convinced
a young female newspaper reporter into actually using her press pass and driving the band's van into the press area.
Iowa rock group returned to Cow Palace right before 6:00 a.m. on the morning of Tuesday, October 5, 2004 after locking up
and leaving their van in the press area the night before. With Jones and Foster wearing their Fox affiliate t-shirts, the
band walked right in and began setting up the equipment needed to play this uninvited concert.
At approximately 9:00
a.m. The Jason Eaves Band began performing to the fifteen thousand plus people that were gathered at the Cow Palace. The mass
of people cheered the band on as they posed as Fox affiliates. Jason, Kenny and Jeff played for nearly 2 hours before the
legit Fox people caught on to their masquerade. Jason and the band were told they had "no right being here" and were "disrupting
the auditions going on inside". They were then ordered off the premises. Mission accomplished.
Eaves is becoming known
for such bizarre escapades as owning and operating his own pirate radio station and being the world record holder for the
"Worlds Fastest Rock & Roll Tour". You can check out The Jason Eaves Band at www.jasoneaves.com.
For more information
D.A.M. publicity at 319-561-2852
Jason Eaves at 319-372-3852 (eavesband@aol.com)
Publicity 9 Music Square South Nashville, TN 37203

